Cybercrime: Consequences And Challenges


  • Jeiel Soares Cordeiro Faculdade de Jussara FAJ


Internet; Privacy; Crimes; Legislation.


This article has the intention and purpose of talking about cyber crimes and showing how this
crime affects people's lives today, showing the importance of typifying them to protect the
integrity of the image and dignity of social network users, as well as in crimes of larceny
through the internet. Following this context, Brazil follows its own punishment parameter, in
crimes committed virtually, the legislation that describes the context of cyber crimes is
considered vague in its application in view of the large proportion of crimes committed through
communication networks and the internet. It can also be understood that cyber crimes have a
certain advantage for agents who use them for illicit acts, since the identity of the agent is often
invisible to an investigation, leaving the author of the crime unpunished.


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How to Cite

Soares Cordeiro, J. (2024). Cybercrime: Consequences And Challenges. Revista De Estudos Interdisciplinares Do Vale Do Araguaia - REIVA, 7(02). Retrieved from